Pentest Web

Ziwit Consultancy Service for your manual audits and pentests

A Web Pentest is a methodical assessment of the security of a website or web application, carried out by an IT security expert. This process simulates real-world attacks to identify security gaps and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

Why carry out a Web Pentest?

Far from being a simple audit, web pentesting offers many concrete advantages to companies, including:

Accurate identification of vulnerabilities

Pentesting goes beyond a simple automated scan. The pentester takes a manual and methodical approach, analyzing every component of the web system, including source code, server configurations, user interfaces and APIs.

This careful analysis uncovers a wide range of vulnerabilities, from the most common to the most sophisticated, such as SQL injections, XSS flaws, configuration flaws and zero -day vulnerabilities.

Prioritization of fixes for effective action

Pentest report provides a detailed description of each identified fault, classified according to its severity level and impact potential.

This prioritization allows businesses to effectively prioritize fixes, focusing on the most critical flaws first and avoiding wasting resources on minor issues.

Strengthening the overall security posture

By fixing security vulnerabilities revealed by pentesting, companies significantly strengthen their overall security posture.

This significantly reduces the risk of intrusions, data leaks and other cyberattacks, protecting their systems, sensitive data and reputation.

Compliance with current regulations

Many regulations, such as GDPR, ISO 27001 and HIPAA, require businesses to have adequate security measures in place to protect personal data.

A successful web pentest demonstrates a company's compliance with these regulations, thereby avoiding potential sanctions and building trust with customers and partners.

Gaining trust from customers and partners

In a context where cyber threats are increasingly prevalent, customers and partners attach great importance to data security.

By regularly conducting web pentests and communicating the results transparently, companies demonstrate their commitment to data protection, thereby fostering trust and loyalty among their customers and partners.

When is it recommended to perform a Web Pentest?

There are several cases where it is particularly recommended to carry out a pentest:

Before deployment

  • Before launching a web application or website: This is the perfect opportunity to identify security vulnerabilities early on and fix them before hackers can exploit them. This is particularly important for web applications that handle sensitive data.
  • After a significant modification: Adding new features, modifying code or updating software can introduce new vulnerabilities. A pentest ensures that these modifications have not compromised security.

Regularly for critical applications

For critical web applications or websites: Hackers are constantly developing new attack techniques. It is therefore crucial to regularly test the security of these applications to ensure that they are always protected.

The frequency of penetration testing should be determined based on the level of risk. Applications that handle financial or medical data require more frequent testing.

In case of suspected fault

  • Suspected security attack or breach: If you suspect your website or web application has been hacked, a pentest can help you identify the vulnerability and take the necessary corrective action.
  • Increase in suspicious traffic: A sudden increase in traffic to your website could be a sign of an attack in progress. A pentest can help you identify the source of the attack and neutralize it.

Regulatory conformity

  • Compliance with standards: If you need to meet security standards that require regular penetration testing, such as PCI DSS or ISO 27001, a pentest is essential.
  • Security assessment: Even for no particular reason, a pentest can provide you with a valuable assessment of the security of your web infrastructure.

How is a Web Pentest carried out?

The flow of a web pentest can vary depending on the complexity of the website or web application, but it generally follows the following steps:


Definition of objectives and scope

The client and the pentester define the objectives of the pentest, the systems to be tested and the information that can be disclosed.

The scope of the pentest defines which elements will be tested and which will not.


Collection of information

The pentester collects information about the website or web application, such as:

  • Architecture,
  • The technologies used,
  • Fonctionnalities,
  • Data stored.

This phase may include:

  • Passive recognition, which consists of collecting public information,
  • Active reconnaissance, which involves scanning the system to identify open ports, running services, and potential vulnerabilities.


Vulnerability Analysis

The expert uses manual tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in the website or web application.

Vulnerabilities can be classified based on their severity and potential for exploitation.


Exploitation of vulnerabilities

The auditor attempts to exploit the identified vulnerabilities to demonstrate that they can be used to attack the system.

This phase allows you to confirm the severity of the vulnerabilities and assess the real risk for the customer.


Writing a report

The pentester writes a detailed report which describes:

  • The objectives of the pentest,
  • The methodology used,
  • The vulnerabilities identified,
  • Proof of exploitation,
  • Recommendations for correcting the flaws.

The report must be clear, concise and provide sufficient information to the customer so that they can take the necessary actions to correct the vulnerabilities.



The pentester performs follow-up testing to ensure that the fixes were implemented correctly.

If all vulnerabilities detected during the audit are corrected, then the experts provide a certification attesting to the correct application of the corrections.

What are the different types of Web Pentest?

There are three main types of web penetration testing, distinguished by the level of knowledge the tester has of the target system:

Pentest Black Box

During a black box penetration test, the tester, or "pentester", has no preliminary information about the target system other than what is publicly available.

It thus positions itself as an external attacker, unaware of the details of the system architecture, programming languages used, communication protocols and potential security vulnerabilities.

The objective of Pentest Black Box is clear: to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an external attacker without internal knowledge of the system.

Pentest Black Box
Pentest Gray Box

Pentest Gray Box

In a gray box penetration test, the pentester has partial knowledge of the target system.

This knowledge may include information relating to the system architecture, the programming languages used or security vulnerabilities already identified.

The objective in this type of test is to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an attacker with partial access to information on the system.

Pentest White Box

During a white box penetration test, the pentester benefits from complete knowledge of the target system. This includes access to source code, configurations and documentation.

Here the goal is to identify all the potential security vulnerabilities of the target system.

Pentest White Box

The Pentest Web by Ziwit

Ziwit is a wise choice for carrying out a web pentest for several reasons:

Expertise and experience

  • Team of Certified and Experienced Experts: Ziwit pentesters are all certified and have extensive experience in conducting penetration testing on different types of websites and web applications.
  • In-depth knowledge of security vulnerabilities: Ziwit maintains a constant watch on the latest threats and vulnerabilities, which allows them to identify and exploit the most recent security vulnerabilities during testing.
  • Methodical and rigorous approach: Ziwit uses a structured and proven penetration testing methodology, ensuring that all aspects of your website or web application are tested thoroughly.

Service quality

  • Detailed, Actionable Reports: Ziwit provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand reports that document identified vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommendations for remediating them.
  • Monitoring and Support: Ziwit not only provides you with a report, they can also support you in implementing corrective measures and offer ongoing support to improve your security posture.
  • Commitment to Customer Satisfaction: Ziwit is renowned for its commitment to customer satisfaction and provides superior service.

Additional benefits

  • Extensive testing coverage: Ziwit can test your entire web infrastructure, including web applications, APIs, web servers and databases.
  • Tailored testing: Ziwit can tailor its testing approach based on your specific needs and security priorities.
  • Flexibility and responsiveness: Ziwit can adapt to your deadlines and constraints and offers remote or on-site intrusion tests.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ziwit can help you meet the security compliance requirements applicable to your industry.

Carry out a Web Pentest by a certified expert

Benefit from a tailor-made Web Pentest, carried out by our cybersecurity specialists, to meet the specific challenges of your company.

Your satisfaction and security are our priorities. Contact us

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