Phishing campaign

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A corporate phishing awareness campaign aims to educate employees to recognize fraudulent emails, preventing information leakage and thereby protecting the company from cyberattacks.

What is a Phishing Campaign?

A phishing awareness campaign through a phishing campaign, also known as a phishing simulation, is a proactive initiative conducted within an organization to assess employee alertness and ability to identify and respond to attempts phishing.

What are the objectives of a Phishing Campaign?

Phishing simulations, also known as simulated phishing campaigns, are an effective way to educate employees about phishing threats and teach them how to identify and avoid fraudulent emails.

The main objectives of a phishing campaign are:

Improve employees' ability to identify phishing emails

By exposing employees to realistic fake phishing emails, they can practice identifying common clues that an email is fraudulent, such as:

  • A suspicious sender or counterfeit email address.
  • Grammatical or spelling errors.
  • A sense of urgency or threat.
  • Requests for personal or financial information.
  • Suspicious links or attachments.

Strengthen good security practices

Phishing simulations can also be used to teach employees best practices for protecting themselves against phishing attacks, such as:

  • Never click on links or open attachments from unknown or untrustworthy senders.
  • Hover over the links to view the actual URL before clicking.
  • Do not enter personal or financial information on unsecured websites.
  • Report suspicious emails immediately to the IT team.

Measure the level of employee awareness

Simulated phishing campaigns can also be used to measure employee awareness of phishing threats. This can help businesses identify areas where additional training is needed.

How are businesses impacted by Phishing?

Phishing, a sneaky cybercrime technique aimed at tricking users into disclosing sensitive information, poses a major threat to businesses of all sizes.

Phishing attacks can have devastating consequences, ranging from significant financial losses to reputational damage and loss of valuable data.

Financial and operational impact

Direct costs related to crisis management

Companies that fall victim to phishing attacks must incur significant expenses to deal with the consequences of the attack, such as repairing IT systems, notifying affected customers, implementation of reinforced security measures and management of crisis communication.

Productivity and revenue losses

Phishing attacks can cause significant disruptions to business operations, reduced employee productivity, and significant revenue losses due to service interruptions and loss of customers.

Damage to business continuity

In the most serious cases, phishing attacks can threaten the business continuity of the company, or even lead to its bankruptcy.

Examples of Financial Impact

  • In 2019, a sophisticated phishing attack allowed hackers to steal $4.2 million from financial services company Wirecard.
  • In 2018, a phishing attack led to the theft of data from 80 million Marriott International guests, resulting in significant costs for the company in guest notifications and security measures.

Impact on reputation and brand image

Damage to customer and partner trust

A successful phishing attack can result in a significant loss of trust from customers and partners, damaging a company's hard-earned reputation. Customer data leaks and financial fraud tarnish the brand image and can lead to a significant loss of customers.

Deterioration of credibility and brand value

Reputation damage can have a significant negative impact on brand value, negatively affecting prospects for investment and future growth.

Examples of Reputation Impact

  • In 2017, Equifax phishing attack exposed the personal data of 147 million Americans, leading to enormous public backlash and significant damage to the company's reputation.
  • In 2011, a successful phishing attack allowed hackers to steal login credentials from Barrack Obama's Twitter account, damaging the former president's credibility and public trust in security systems in line.

Impact on data and system security

Sensitive Data

Phishing attacks allow cybercriminals to infiltrate IT systems and steal sensitive data such as confidential customer information, financial data and intellectual property.

Increased risk of malware and ransomware

Phished emails are often used as vectors to deliver malware and ransomware that can infect computer systems, rendering them inoperable and crippling business operations.

Damage to system and data availability

Phishing attacks can disrupt the normal operation of IT systems, compromise the availability of critical data and cause significant financial losses due to service interruptions.

Data Impact Examples

  • In 2014, a phishing attack allowed hackers to steal sensitive data from Sony Pictures Entertainment, leading to a leak of embarrassing information and significant damage to the company's reputation.
  • In 2016, a successful phishing attack led to the data theft of 500 million LinkedIn customers, representing one of the largest data breaches in history.

Impact on productivity and human resources management

Negative impact on employee productivity

Employees may spend time dealing with the aftermath of an attack, such as resetting passwords and closing compromised accounts.

Damage to employee morale and motivation

Employees who are victims of phishing attacks may feel anxious, stressed and distrustful of the company. This can negatively affect their motivation, productivity and commitment to the organization.

Increased employee turnover

Phishing attacks can also contribute to increased employee turnover, as employees may fear for the security of their personal and professional data.

Examples of Impact on Employees

  • An IBM study found that phishing attacks cost businesses an average of $137 per employee per year in lost productivity.
  • Another study from Verizon found that 58% of businesses experienced lost productivity following a phishing attack.

Legal impacts

Businesses can be sued if sensitive data is stolen following a phishing attack. Victims of identity theft can file a lawsuit against the company for negligence, and the company may also be subject to regulatory penalties for violating data protection laws.

Examples of Legal Impact

In 2019, Facebook was fined $5 billion by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for its role in the Cambridge Analytica data breach , which was partly facilitated by a phishing attack.

How a phishing campaign unfolds ?


Setting simulation parameters


The campaign can be targeted to all employees, to specific departments or to groups of users defined according to precise criteria (new hires, sensitive access, etc.).

Attack scenarios

Ziwit offers a wide range of realistic and customizable attack scenarios, inspired by the most widespread phishing techniques. Examples include:

  • Account notification emails: Impersonating a bank, phone carrier, or other online service to trick the user into clicking a link and entering login credentials.
  • Fraudulent billing emails.
  • Emails containing malicious attachments: tricking the user into downloading a file infected with a virus or spyware.

Email content, attachments and sender can be customized to match the real threats the business faces, based on analysis of the most common risks and attack vectors.

Timing and frequency

The campaign can be run over a defined period and at a determined frequency depending on the needs and objectives of the business. It is possible to run one-off simulations or integrate the simulated phishing campaigns into an ongoing cybersecurity awareness program.


Creation of phishing emails

Advanced customization

The emails are created by Ziwit phishing experts, based on information collected during the parameter definition phase. This helps maximize their realism and impact on targeted employees.

Email personalization is a crucial element of the success of the simulation. This involves integrating employees' personal or professional information into the content of emails, such as their name, their position, the name of their company or even details relating to their daily activity. The goal is to make emails more credible and increase the chances that employees will fall for them.

Diversity of lures

Ziwit uses a wide range of techniques to deceive employees, such as spoofing legitimate email addresses, using urgent or threatening language, making intentional spelling or grammatical errors to make it appear fraudulent. to email.

Simulated attachments

Ziwit can create realistic simulated attachments, such as PDF files or Word documents containing malware or malicious links. These attachments make it possible to evaluate the behavior of employees regarding the risks of infection by viruses or spyware.


Sending emails and monitoring the campaign

Discreet shipping

Phishing emails are sent to targeted employees at the chosen time, without arousing their suspicion.

Information message

An informational message can be sent before or after the campaign to inform employees of the simulated nature of the emails and the campaign objectives.

Real-time tracking

Ziwit monitors the campaign in real time, analyzing email open rates, click-through rates on malicious links, number of attachments downloaded and employee entry of confidential information.


Reporting and analysis of results

Key figures

Ziwit rigorously monitors the simulated phishing campaign by collecting precise data on employee behavior. This includes email open rates, link click rates, attachments opened, and credentials entered.

Detailed report

This data is then analyzed to generate a detailed report that presents the results of the campaign. The report highlights employees' strengths and weaknesses in phishing awareness and helps identify the types of attacks they are most vulnerable to.

Deep analyze

Analyzing the results of the simulated phishing campaign is essential to learn concrete lessons and improve the company's security posture. It makes it possible to target awareness and training actions according to the specific needs of employees and to put in place reinforced protection measures for the most exposed entry points.

Why choose Ziwit to carry out your Phishing Campaign?

Ziwit has specialized in the field of offensive cybersecurity for over 10 years.Ziwit has specialized in the field of offensive cybersecurity for over 10 years.

Our company benefits from a team of experienced cybersecurity experts, capable of simulating phishing campaign scenarios related to your activity, the applications you use, your employees, your software, your customers, etc.Our company benefits from a team of experienced cybersecurity experts, capable of simulating phishing campaign scenarios related to your activity, the applications you use, your employees, your software, your customers, etc.

Throughout your project, you will be supported by one of our experts.Throughout your project, you will be supported by one of our experts.

At Ziwit, we guarantee that all sensitive information concerning your company and your employees remains strictly confidential.At Ziwit, we guarantee that all sensitive information concerning your company and your employees remains strictly confidential.

Our experts are certified by numerous organizations, notably with the PASSI certification issued by ANSSI.Our experts are certified by numerous organizations, notably with the PASSI certification issued by ANSSI.

Ziwit is a French player specializing in cybersecurity and offers particularly effective phishing awareness solutions for companies of all sizes.

Here are some reasons to choose Ziwit to raise awareness about phishing:

Recognized expertise and experience

Ziwit is certified by ANSSI (National Agency for Information Systems Security) and has a team of experienced experts in IT security and phishing awareness.

Tailored approach

Ziwit offers personalized phishing campaigns based on the activity, size and culture of your company. The attack scenarios are realistic and allow you to effectively test the vigilance of your employees.

Monitoring and reporting

Ziwit provides you with detailed reports on the results of your awareness campaigns, which allows you to measure the effectiveness of your actions and monitor the progress of your employees.

Respect for confidentiality

Ziwit guarantees the confidentiality of your employees' data and complies with the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data.

Examples of Phishing Campaigns

Email phishing scenario

  • The email appears to come from a legitimate source, such as a bank, internet service provider, or e-commerce site.
  • The message has an urgent or alarming tone and prompts the user to act quickly, such as clicking a link or opening an attachment.
  • The link may lead to a fake website that looks like the legitimate website, designed to steal user credentials.
  • The attachment may contain malware that installs on the user's computer when they open it.

Spear-phishing scenario

  • The email is personalized with information specific to the victim, such as their name, title or department.
  • The message may appear to come from a trusted colleague, manager, or customer.
  • The email may contain an urgent or unusual request, such as transferring money or sharing confidential information.
  • The goal is to trick the victim into disclosing sensitive information or taking an unauthorized action.

Carry out a phishing campaign with an expert

Do you want to carry out a personalized phishing campaign and raise awareness among your employees? Contact us to receive a quote tailored to your needs!

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